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Note that we are not responsible for any/all classifieds posted on this web site to be accurate or truthful, all classifieds are solely the responsibility of those who decide to post them and not the responsibility of the owners and webmasters of The Corvair Haven Classified Ads Section. We also have the right not to post classifieds for any reason, any classifieds can be taken off at any time.

The Corvair Haven Disclaimer/Copyrights In order to post an ad at The Corvair Haven, you must agree to the following terms indicated below:

1) We have every right to and not to post an ad at anytime.

2) We have the right to reword any ads for any reason.

3) We are not responsible for any lost files or information.

4) We are not responsible for any misleading information found anywhere throughout the web site.

5) We are not responsible for any personal information that may leak out from our e-mail database.

6) We have every right to remove any ad due to any reason.

7) We will post ads and include personal information. Personal information that is included in an ad is there for the purpose of identification and for the purpose of being able to locate the person posting the ad.

8) Any logo or images found anywhere throughout the The Corvair Haven web site are copyright by those individuals who create or own them. All The Corvair Haven logos are owned by The Corvair Haven and can only be used with permission, to obtain permission you must e-mail Jerry.

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